Friday, March 23, 2012

6:30am (alarm, fog, & glory)

At 6:30 this morning when my alarm went off the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed. How about curling up by my husband all cozy and warm under the covers..... but no such thing could happen, reality was I had to get up and get ready to work someone else's shift (because of spring break). Which consisted of me getting out of bed like a sloth and slowly making my way to the bathroom. Thankfully I showered yesterday so no need for another shower. Khakis, black polo, teeth, hair, makeup, deodorant, perfume, and I'm ready for the day. I snatched a pop-tart and my water bottle for breakfast and left over spaghetti for lunch. Grabbed my purse, bag, and keys and headed out the door. And what do I find? A beautiful foggy morning, and through my lazy, feel sorry for myself attitude sliced God's majesty. Thoughts flashed of the water cycle and all it's forms; the earth and the life it holds. God so uniquely and wonderfully made everything with a purpose far greater than we can see. So God used this beautiful foggy morning to change my attitude for the day. "Glorify me" He seemed to say, "even though it's 7am and you're tired". So now I'm sitting at work yawning yes, but with a changed attitude (praise the Lord that he would change it). I'll make the most of this day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, giving Him the glory throughout my day by loving Him and others. :) Have a happy Friday everyone!!

-Britney Wilson

1 comment:

  1. I lked your post, Brytni!
    I've been waiting for you to post something! :)
    I'm not sure if you remember me or not.
    My name is Kaylee.

    Here is my blog address
